Sunday, September 13, 2009

Frank's Feathers

Frank the flamingo was a very unique breed. Although all of his friends and family were a bright pink, his feathers never fluttered with such a vibrant color. He was as white as the top of a mountain with not as much as an inch of pink on him. As a teenager on he always felt like he did not belong. Other teen flamingos would laugh at him and call him mean names and Frank never knew why he was so different. Not only did his feathers make him different but also while all the other flamingos ate shrimp, Frank would eat algae due to being a vegetarian. This made Frank even more different from his friends and family.
Frank was determined to learn why his coloring was not the same as the other flamingo’s that surrounded him. He heard about an owl, a very special owl named Horton. Horton was known to live at the top of a nearby hill. This owl could answer any question that was handed to him. Frank needed to know the truth, so he left one starry night to find Horton while his friends and family slept.
The woods were very dark with only the moonlight and stars giving off little light to help guide the way. Crickets made music, which helped calm Frank’s racing heart. He called Horton’s name several times while waiting at the very top of the hill. That was when he heard the response he had been hoping for.
“Yes, who wants to know?”
“Oh, Horton! Hi, um my name is Frank. I have traveled from Friendly Pond to ask you a question.”
“Yes, and what might this question be my boy?”
“Well, you can’t see right now but my feathers are completely white while all the other flamingo’s I know have beautiful bright pink feathers. Why am I different? Why can’t I be like everyone else?”
“Do you eat shrimp, son?” Horton asked.
“Well, actually no I do not like shrimp one bit. I eat mostly algae found in our pond.”
“That is your answer. You see boy, the shrimp is what makes a flamingo’s feathers change colors. Because you don’t eat the shrimp, your feathers do not change color.”
“So, I need to start eating shrimp then?” Frank asked wearily.
“No Frank. Have you ever looked at being different as a good thing? It makes you stand out and makes you different. Frank had never looked at being different as a good thing. He had always looked at it as being wrong. After speaking with Horton, Frank was able to see not being bright pink and being white as beautiful because he was different. He did not need to blend in with the crowd anymore, but enjoyed standing out!

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