Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Day in the Life

The smell lingers into my room from under my door. That smell is what helps get me out of bed on Sunday mornings. Not only does the smell wake me up, but the six other screaming children are always a guaranteed alarm clock as well. I roll out of bed, opened the door and as always, the chaos begins. My five other brothers and sisters consume most of our small kitchen. My mother is cooking bacon, screaming here and there about being burned by the flying grease that pops and splatters in any direction. She has Louie, my youngest brother, in her arms and is pointing a spatula at Kim and Sarah yelling at them to stop fighting. Jared, my 9-year-old brother is the only one who is ever calm. He is sitting at the table reading a mystery novel, clearly trying to zone out all the commotion. I can’t blame him for at least trying. As for me, well my mom depends on me too much for me to ever get away with reading at a time like this. I’m the oldest so she expects me to help out a lot, without complaining. This can be very difficult at times but being a single mom is hard enough, especially while running this zoo every day, so I don’t mind.

I help her get the scrambled eggs onto eight separate paper plates with a slice of bacon and a piece of toast on each one. We all take a seat around our over-sized table and take the hands of the people on either side of us. This is the only semi-quiet part of the entire breakfast. As my mom is saying a quick prayer, Sarah pinches Kim halfway through and Kim lets out a blood-curdling scream. Great, so much for a moment of peace and quiet. After yelling at Sarah about not pinching her sister for a good two minutes, my mom finally lets out a large sigh in an attempt to eat her breakfast. That sigh was shortly followed by, “Oh no, Cooper!” Cooper is my two-year old brother; he just spilt Sarah’s juice. I quickly grab a wet rag and clean it up. I don’t think we have ever gone through an entire meal without at least one spill. And although the chaos seems unbearable at times, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Birth of a Story in an Hour or Less

Part I: The Voice

A: I can’t believe you would do this to me.
B: I’m so sorry Julie. I wish I could take it back but…
A: No, you’re right you can’t. I gave you everything. Why? How?
B: I don’t know, it didn’t mean anything I swear!
A: How could you have sex with her and not even think of me! I hate you!
B: Please stop…stop. I want you. You are the one I love. It was a mistake. It will never happen again. Please give me a second chance. I’ll show you it will not happen again.
A: How could I ever trust you again? You cheated on me-you cheated on us. You and that slut deserve each other.
B: I messed up once Jules. I know I messed up big. I’m taking full responsibility for that. I need you. You are all I want…all I have ever needed. Please don’t throw it all away.
A: Me? Me not throw it all away? YOU threw it all away when you hooked up with that slut! Don’t you dare try to put this around on me. I did nothing accept love you for three years. I gave you everything. I would have given you the rest of my life. YOU are throwing us away, not me.
B: You’re right, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. Jules, I don’t know what to say to make you want to stay with me.
A: Honestly, I don’t think there is anything you can say. I hope that whore was worth it.
B: Please don’t.
A: You make me sick.
B: I know I make myself sick.
A: Remember that day when we were lying in the back of your truck looking at the stars? Do you remember what you said to me that night almost three years ago?
B: Of course I do. I told you I loved you and I would love you forever.
A: Then why? Why? How could you?
B: I do and will love you forever.
A: No, because if you really loved me you would not have done this to me. You would have not needed to be with someone else. I would have been enough for you, forever. Just like you promised. But I wasn’t and I’m not.
B: You are. You know you are. I messed up Julie. Not that it is any excuse, because its not, but I was drunk and I wasn’t thinking straight. It happened yes, but I regret it with all of my soul and it’s killing me to see you like this because of something I have done.
A: Well good. I hope you do feel bad.
B: You have no idea.
A: No, you have no idea.
B: You’re right, I don’t.
A: Yeah because I would have never done this to you, ever!
B: I know.
A: And even if I ever did want to be with you again, my family and friends will hate you almost as much as I do right now when they find out. They would never accept you into their lives again because of this.
B: I have thought of that as well. It would take a lot to rebuild their trust as well as yours but I am willing to try.
A: I just can’t believe this. I will always ask myself why. Why some random whore you met at a college party? Why such a meaningless person. I feel like you deliberately tried to hurt me.
B: You know I would never do that Jules.
A: I don’t know…
B: Do you still love me?
A: Yes…
B: Can you give me another chance?
A: …no.

Part II: Your Character’s Place in the World

These two characters are outside of Julie’s house standing on the sidewalk beside a black truck parked in the street. It’s almost midnight so it is dark outside, only the streetlights giving off some light down Julie’s street and throughout the neighborhood. It is September so by nightfall it starts getting cooler. Tonight is especially cool due to a light breeze that hits ever so often. Julie’s house is small but comfortable looking. It is a light blue color with white shutters and a big white front door. There are a few skinny trees scattered throughout the front yard. All the neighbors have gone to bed. Only Julie’s front light to her house is on.

Part III: Who are You?

Describe your character physically, from head to toe.
This character in about 5’7 with blonde curly hair. She is slender and has a warm smile. She is only17 years old so is very youthful. She is comfortably dressed in jeans and a gray loose sweatshirt. She has light make-up on but her tears have washed a lot of it away.

What relationships are important to your character? Why?
One relationship that was very important to her was the relationship she had with her boyfriend of almost three years. She met him when she was only fourteen. This is important to her because he was her first love and best friend. He was the one she could tell anything to and she put a lot of love and trust into him.

What does your character do? Profession? Pleasure?
Julie is still in high school. She loves to sing and dance. She does not have a job yet, her parents want her to focus on school right now and worry about a job later. She loves to enjoy life and live in the moment.

What is your character most afraid of?
My character is most afraid of losing those close to her. She lost her Father suddenly and unexpectedly when she was only thirteen so she has a fear of losing the people she cares most about.

What does your character want?
My character wants to be happy. She wants love. She wants a good future. But most of all she wants to move on.

Part IV: Making a Scene

Scene I—Before the Conversation

Julie is so in love with Jason. He is everything she has every wanted in a guy. It’s 2:30pm and they are meeting in the cafeteria after their last class to drive home together. They do this every day when school gets out. They meet each other with a kiss and walk out of the school hand-in-hand. Julie has just turned fifteen. Jason is two years older, a senor in high school. They have been together for a little over three months. They celebrate each month they have been together and give each other little gifts on the 13th of every month. As the walk out of the school they stop to talk to a couple mutual friends. There is a football game coming up this weekend and Jason is the star quarterback. He is very popular among all the entire school. All the guys wish they were him and all the girls wish they were with him. But he is with Julie, and he has never seemed happier. He opens the passenger door to his black Ford truck for Julie and she hops in. He then shuts the door and gets in through the other side. They kiss again and he starts the truck and drives out of the parking lot. After school they always go to Julies house for a snack and to just hang out and spend time together. Julie’s Mom always makes them a snack. She loves Jason. Although it has only been three months into their relationship, its like Jason is already a part of the family. They finish their snack of cheese and crackers and head downstairs to watch a movie. Julie is curled up in Jason’s arms tight. They share a few more kisses and tell each other how much they love one another. They have never been so in love.

Scene 2—During the Conversation

It’s the middle of the night. It’s cold out due to a brisk breeze in the air. Silence is cutting like a knife. Julie and Jason are standing next to his black ford truck. The same truck he had taken her to school in during high school. The same truck they were in the first time he told her he loved her and wanted to be with her forever. The same truck they shared love in, told each other secrets and even once argued in. Those arguments were petty and ended quickly with an, “I’m so sorry, I love you.” This time, this argument would not end like those. The tension was unbearable. Julie can’t stop crying. Jason is breaking down at the sight of her. She went from standing next to him to sitting on the sideway unable to stop shaking. She just heard the news. He told her. It was killing him to hold this from her for weeks. He cheated. As he told her she screamed. She was screaming out of pain, anger and because that was the only emotion that came out. Then shortly after the tears began. Those tears would not stop for hours. The wind against her face made the warms tears become cold against her cheeks. Jason kept trying to touch her, to hold her, but she wouldn’t let him. She did not want him near her, yet at the same time she was terrified at the thought of him being away from her. She was torn. He could see it. She was falling apart right there by that damn truck.

Scene 3—After the Conversation

Julie hates thinking. She hates wondering. She said no, she doesn’t regret that decision. She knew deep down she would never trust him again. She couldn’t allow him back in at the risk of him hurting her again. It’s been five months since that night outside her house, next to his truck. She thinks about him all the time. She feels alone. So alone. The anger is still there, lingering. The anger has not left but sadness has taken up most of her feelings. She wonders about him, his life now. He’s still in college, going out drinking. She hates the thought of him with another girl. She shouldn’t care, but she can’t help it. It consumes her mind all day and all night. The thought of another girls kissing him and touching him. In her mind, he is still hers. But he is not. He is free, she freed him. She sometimes begins hating herself for letting him go but then she remembers the pain. That pain he caused her. She knows she should never blame herself because it was his decision. She knows he is happy again. He probably has moved on which kills her. She has not even begun moving on. She hurts for him all the time. Her friends and family keep telling her it will get better in time. She wants to know when. Five months later and nothing has changed. She is losing hope. She is afraid; afraid she will continue loving him forever, just as she had once promised him.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


“Daniel died in a car accident.” My mother’s words struck me like a thousand knives. My body went into immediate shock. As the words came out of my Mother’s mouth through my cell phone I dropped the phone and fell to the floor. I began to shake, not having any control over my body. As I lay there in disbelief as to what I had just heard a million thoughts rushed throughout my mind, “how would I tell everyone? Why Dan? This can’t be happening. It has to be a mistake, it wasn’t him in that car…”
Dan was in the US Air force, currently stationed in England. He loved it there and when he came home only weeks before the accident, he had so many stories to share with everyone. Dan was my brother’s best friend. He was like a brother to me due to the fact that we all grew up together. Have you ever met someone that had an amazing light about, the kind of person that could light up a room just by their presence? The person who would do anything for their friends no matter what the cost. That person was Dan.
I guess it's true what they say; only the best really do die young…

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Blue-Eyed Lover (Making Shapely Fiction: Juggling)

Erica had always dreamt of this moment. He was standing in front of her, his blue eyes gazing so deep in hers he thought he was looking into her soul. He was about to ask, to use those four words. Those four words that every girl someday had dreamt being said to her in just a way such as this. He knelt down on one knee. That little black box was placed in the palm of his left hand. That little black box that was in this very moment being opened by his right hand.
Erica couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t concentrate. This was what she thought she had always wanted. This was her dream. Wasn’t it? As he gazed deep into her eyes she did not gaze back, she starred blankly back, zoning into his deep blue eyes and in this moment she only had one thing on her mind. Tim.
No, Tim was not the man with the deep blue eyes staring at her holding this box that now showed to contain a big beautiful diamond ring, just her size. No, Tim was someone from her past, a lover that was left behind. A mere memory she had always thought. But as her now, blue-eyed lover asked her that burning question, Tim was the first thing that shot into her mind.
As the words came out of his mouth, almost as if in slow motion, a tremble ran down her spine at the thought of this decision. Why had Tim appeared in her mind? Would this be the right decision? Where was Tim now? Should she say yes? These questions whirled her mind for a good twenty seconds, which felt like hours. Her blue-eyed lover then stood up, question filling those beautiful eyes, those eyes that were only moments ago filled with hope, love and devotion now showed fear, question and pain. He knew. He knew in those twenty seconds and by the blank stare in her eyes that she could not say yes. She watched him break down, falling apart right in front of her.
He did not ask for an explanation. He did not ask for an answer aloud. Instead, he shut his eyes, turned around and walked out of the door. Erica’s heart broke for him. She just now was realizing what she had done. She let go of what every girl should want. What every girl hopes for. Still, she did not regret not saying yes because during this moment, in the front of her mind was Tim.

Frank's Feathers

Frank the flamingo was a very unique breed. Although all of his friends and family were a bright pink, his feathers never fluttered with such a vibrant color. He was as white as the top of a mountain with not as much as an inch of pink on him. As a teenager on he always felt like he did not belong. Other teen flamingos would laugh at him and call him mean names and Frank never knew why he was so different. Not only did his feathers make him different but also while all the other flamingos ate shrimp, Frank would eat algae due to being a vegetarian. This made Frank even more different from his friends and family.
Frank was determined to learn why his coloring was not the same as the other flamingo’s that surrounded him. He heard about an owl, a very special owl named Horton. Horton was known to live at the top of a nearby hill. This owl could answer any question that was handed to him. Frank needed to know the truth, so he left one starry night to find Horton while his friends and family slept.
The woods were very dark with only the moonlight and stars giving off little light to help guide the way. Crickets made music, which helped calm Frank’s racing heart. He called Horton’s name several times while waiting at the very top of the hill. That was when he heard the response he had been hoping for.
“Yes, who wants to know?”
“Oh, Horton! Hi, um my name is Frank. I have traveled from Friendly Pond to ask you a question.”
“Yes, and what might this question be my boy?”
“Well, you can’t see right now but my feathers are completely white while all the other flamingo’s I know have beautiful bright pink feathers. Why am I different? Why can’t I be like everyone else?”
“Do you eat shrimp, son?” Horton asked.
“Well, actually no I do not like shrimp one bit. I eat mostly algae found in our pond.”
“That is your answer. You see boy, the shrimp is what makes a flamingo’s feathers change colors. Because you don’t eat the shrimp, your feathers do not change color.”
“So, I need to start eating shrimp then?” Frank asked wearily.
“No Frank. Have you ever looked at being different as a good thing? It makes you stand out and makes you different. Frank had never looked at being different as a good thing. He had always looked at it as being wrong. After speaking with Horton, Frank was able to see not being bright pink and being white as beautiful because he was different. He did not need to blend in with the crowd anymore, but enjoyed standing out!

Monday, September 7, 2009


He had just come out, but only to a few close friends. That was one of the hardest things he ever had to do, to admit aloud that he was gay. Being 23-years old, Jerry Lewis had kept this secret to himself for years. It had haunted him daily, slowly killing his spirit. Saying the words, I am gay to his friends made this giant boulder he had attached to his shoulders suddenly fall off, roll down the hill and crash into tiny pieces.
One of his friends, Jillian was ecstatic he had shared this information with her. Jillian is an eccentric girl that likes to label herself as the life of the party. She mentioned a gay bar and club scene downtown known as Club Penguin. She wanted to go there with him so he could experience what she referred to as the gay lifestyle. Jerry knew nothing about this lifestyle other than what he had seen on television and in movies. Although the second she mentioned this outing his stomach tied into tight knots and sweat began to bead across his forehead, he agreed to go.
The line outside the club was long; in fact it stretched to the next street over. Jerry and Julian waited in line; it felt like for an eternity. Eventually they got in and the club was like something out of a movie. The lights hit so hard and flashed in every direction. The music pulsated through the room bouncing off all the walls. There were people everywhere dancing as if no one else was watching. Freedom. “Finally,” Jerry expressed, “this is a place I can let go and finally be me.”
Three vodka red bulls later, Jerry and Jillian climbed up on stage and began dancing. Hands in the air the music running in his veins, Jerry felt like a new man, like the man he always was supposed to be. He was finally himself. This felt right, it was right. The dancing did not stop for the next two hours.
This club was packed at this point, bodies touching, at times not being able to move more than an inch in any direction. Suddenly Jerry felt a hard stab pierce his left arm. He let out a terrified scream but due to the loud music, no one reacted. When he looked at his arm his face suddenly turned a pale white. In his arm was a needle. He quickly tore it out of his arm, blood slowly began coming out of the tiny hole that was left. On the needle read a note with small print. The writing placed on this needle was about to change Jerry’s life forever. The small print read, welcome to the world of AIDS…

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hoax Photo Test!

My friends have always told me that I can be very gullible. Because of this, I was very interested to see what my score would be on these two quizzes. On the first quiz I got 8/10. I was very impressed with myself. On the second quiz however, I only got 50% with a score of 5/10. I had a hard time being able to tell if some pictures were real or fake because some seemed like they could be real but unlikely. Other photos I knew were not real because it would be so unlikely I just thought it couldn’t have happened. I was very surprised with the picture on test #1 when a jet plane was caught in the instant that it broke through the sound barrier and caused a sonic boom. I thought for sure this would be a hoax but it was real! As storytellers, this means that we can take an event and add some imagination-making it seems real to the reader/public even if it has been exaggerated or completely made up.