Sunday, October 4, 2009

Loveland Falls (Map-Activity/Setting Practice)

Crystal was frolicking in the woods, not a care in the world. She had loved exploring her entire life. While wondering in Loveland Falls she heard what she had been hoping she would hear, a stream not only 50 feet away. As she reached the stream she slid her foot out of her leather sandal and trickled her toes in the icy cold stream. There were big oak trees all around, with birds of all kinds singing throughout the sky. Frogs were hoping from rock to rock, attempting to cross this slow moving stream.

She suddenly noticed a deer on the other end of the stream stopping for a drink. There was a mother and her calf close to her side. The calf noticed her gaze almost instantly and without knowing for sure, Crystal could have sworn she saw him smile at her. Bees buzzed around a nearby bushel of daisies basking in a ray of sunlight that the massive oak trees were not blocking. Crystal lay down on the grass letting some sunlight hit her face. She shut her eyes and could focus now only on the singing birds and croaking toads and fresh, floral air that whipped through his lungs. The grass was soft, moist to the touch. In this moment she was so relaxed, with not a worry in the world.

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