Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Hero in Her Eyes

It was homeroom, I was sitting with three of my best friends listening to them gossip about all the new drama going around our seventh grade class. I always listened but never said much. The latest drama they discussed such as, “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe Joey said yes and is now going out with Mandy” and “Is she really wearing that, ew!” was never really my thing. I began zoning my ever so popular posy out when I noticed a girl sitting alone at a table in the corner of the classroom. She had long strangling brown hair, was skinny and seemed shy. I had seen her before wondering the halls but never knew her name. I had also never seen her talk or be around anyone before. I made eye contact with her and she quickly looked away and down into her notebook. Homeroom was time to get your homework done but in reality, it was time to talk with friends and hang out.

I immediately was drawn to this girl in the corner. My heart almost hurt for her. She was lonely, I could tell. Marcie, one of my good friends sitting at our table noticed this girl in the corner almost at the same time I did. “Oh my gosh, what a loner.” She said to us girls while smirking towards the corner of the classroom. “I would hate to be a loser with no friends.” The other girls laughed, I let out a forced smile, trying to hide the fact that I hated how mean and shallow my friends could be. I couldn’t wait until the bell rang and it was time to leave homeroom for fifth period.

The next day I rushed into homeroom just as my teacher began taking attendance. I barely made it on time, but avoided a tardy. I glanced over and noticed the girl in the same spot, reading in her notebook again. My friends were already blabbing about the latest news and gossip. I felt that feeling in my heart that went down to my stomach again as I glanced over yet again towards her direction. I quickly grabbed my backpack, stood up and walked over to the girl in the corner. “Hi, my name is Sarah. Would you like to come over and sit by my friends and I?” I asked her. She shook her heard no and seeming to be very nervous, not even looking up at me to respond. “Okay, well would you mind if I sat here with you this afternoon?” This time she looked up and had a huge smile across her face showing two very deep dimples on each cheek.

Now, I’m no hero, but in this moment I know I made a difference and made her day. My friends were less than thrilled, but from this moment on I continued sitting with the lonely girl in the corner, also known as Lacey.

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